T-Shirt Process -> Simple, Not Easy

Never did we think that the SIMPLEST item - AN OVERSIZED T-SHIRT (made from scratch) W/ MINIMALIST DESIGN, would be the item we worked the hardest on, to get it exactly the way we wanted it.  

After we went through the process, we stumbled upon a quote that basically says: “SIMPLEST DOESN’T MEAN EASIEST.”   And we can vouch for the truth in that statement. 

Our T-Shirt went through about 7-8 variations.  

One big reason is - we had no idea that we were going to end up making a t-shirt from scratch.  Why go through the trouble of making a t-shirt from scratch?  We wanted specific colors and certain types of fabrics.  Though we could've found it eventually somewhere in the market, at the TIME our manufacturer suggested we make it so we can get to exactly what we want faster.  

 So in that process of making it from scratch, what were some of those variations AKA edits/improvements? 
1) Sewing quality.  We wanted to make sure we made a t-shirt that was made "neatly" (not sloppily), and that had sewing qualities that would make the t-shirt last through washes and washes, and not tear apart.  
2) Changes in fit, inches added here, inches subtracted there.  Who knew there were all these technicalities to make a damn shirt! WOW. 
3) Minimalistic design.  We went through font type changes, font size changes, one specific character (our glota) changes! 

This was our journey of making a t-shirt and we thought some of you would extract value from this, so we shared.  Most people (including ourselves prior to this process) do not realize the efforts taken to create (ANY) one piece of clothing, and in sharing this story we thought maybe you can appreciate your clothes more.  And could you imagine- this was just A T-SHIRT! **insert wide eyes emoji**

And in the end, of course, we still could list several changes to make a better t-shirt than what we created for our 1st release.  

Our oversized t-shirts will come in a dark forest green color (below, in kitan/sneek peek version) & our blush pink hemp fabric (find it in one of our previous posts on IG).

We hope this was of value to you :) 
Until our next post. 




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